HarveyCorp : A Major Partner Of The MSN SHOW

Capture d’écran 2023-06-02 090102

Yesterday, the C.I.E.L. Foundation (Centre pour l’intelligence émotionnelle en ligne) held its benefit comedy show at Club Soda: LE MSN SHOW.
HarveyCorp is proud to have contributed to this fundraising activity as a Major Partner.
The C.I.E.L. Foundation’s mission is to promote digital prevention among teens. It also aims to raise awareness of the links between social media and mental health (leciel.ca).

Thanks to all the humorists who made this evening such a success!
Antoine Durocher
Alexandre Champagne
Alexandre Forest
Pascale Marineau
Alexandre Bisaillon
Josiane Aubuchon
David Beaucage


June 1, 2023